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The Reports Page

How to use the Reports Page

The Reports page is your central hub for a high-level view of a Reports’ status. You can see the Reports page on a web browser when you sign into your Expensify account. Here, you can quickly see which reports need submission (referred to as Open), which are currently awaiting approval (referred to as Processing), and which reports have successfully been Approved or Reimbursed. To streamline your experience, we’ve incorporated user-friendly filters on the Reports page. These filters allow you to refine your report search by specific criteria, such as dates, submitters, or their association with a workspace.

Report filters

  • Reset Filters/Show Filters: You can reset or display your filters at the top of the Reports page.
  • From & To: Use these fields to refine your search to a specific date range.
  • Report ID, Name, or Email: Narrow your search by entering a Report ID, Report Name, or the submitter’s email.
  • Report Types: If you’re specifically looking for Bills or Invoices, you can select this option.
  • Submitters: Choose between “All Submitters” or enter a specific employee’s email to view their reports.
  • Policies: Select “All Policies” or specify a particular policy associated with the reports you’re interested in.

Report status

  • Open icon: These reports are still “In Progress” and must be submitted by the creator. If they contain company card expenses, a domain admin can submit them. If labeled as “Rejected,” an Approver has rejected it, typically requiring some adjustments. Click into the report and review the History for any comments from your Approver.
  • Processing icon: These reports have been submitted for Approval but have not received the final approval.
  • Approved icon: Reports in this category have been Approved but have yet to be Reimbursed. For non-reimbursable reports, this is the final status.
  • Reimbursed icon: These reports have been successfully Reimbursed. If you see “Withdrawing,” it means the ACH (Automated Clearing House) process is initiated. “Confirmed” indicates the ACH process is in progress or complete. No additional status means your Admin is handling reimbursement outside of Expensify.
  • Closed icon: This status represents an officially closed report.

How to Export a report to a CSV

To export a report to a CSV file, follow these steps on the Reports page:

  1. Click the checkbox on the far left of the report row you want to export.
  2. Navigate to the upper right corner of the page and click the “Export to” button.
  3. From the drop-down options that appear, select your preferred export format.


What does it mean if the integration icon for a report is grayed out?

If the integration icon for a report appears grayed out, the report has yet to be fully exported. To address this, consider these options:

  • Go to Settings > Policies > Group > Connections within the workspace associated with the report to check for any errors with the accounting integration (i.e., The connection to NetSuite, QuickBooks Online, Xero, Sage Intacct shows an error).
  • Alternatively, click the “Sync Now” button on the Connections page to see if any error prevents the export.

How can I see a specific expense on a report?

To locate a specific expense within a report, click on the Report from the Reports page and then click on an expense to view the expense details.

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